
I’m back in control of my site. Somehow my phone, that had my access credentials came back to life this evening! Wow ã‹›

Now I haven’t been idle. I let Quantum-Multiverse fade away and embraced my online moniker of Doctor-Multiverse. Not only that, almost six years have passed and I’ve come a long way as both a writer and artist. Head over to Doctor Multiverse ( to catch up.

Join me there and let’s have some more nerdy fun!

Diener Space Raiders: Classic Robo-Alien & Spaceship Erasers

Diener Space Raiders

Source: Little Weirdos: Mini figures and other monster toys: Diener Space Raiders: classic robo-alien & spaceship erasers

   Oh Internet, is there anything that I can remember that you can’t locate? I was thinking back on an eraser set I had back when I was 10 (1980). Lo and behold I found them. Not only did I find them, I also found this awesome blog post that,is very informative, about them. The only thing I had to go on was the name on my favorite piece… HORTA. I have fond memories about these erasers. They were toys that were acceptable in the classroom, so it was as if I was getting away with something 😉

    Looking at them now, I am more drawn in by the blue Cyclops Robot.

Battlestar Galactica: Second Coming

   This would have been a hell of a continuation. Too bad it wasn’t picked up. I’ve got nothing against the reboot BSG. Heck I even met my wife at a Frack Party. For me, though, it just doesn’t compare with the original. Yes, I realize that the original show was goofy at times, and that’s ok. It still had it where it counted. The Second coming was Richard’s passion project, and I am only glad that he received a part to play in the reboot. So let’s drop the Felgercarb and enjoy what he left us.

Another Look Back @ Logan’s Run on TV

   Logan leaves the City of Domes with Jessica and they are kidnapped by a pair of robots. An android named Rem rescues them and they flee with Francis in pursuit.

logans-run-annual-1978%00fc   I’ve probably written about this show before, but as I am a creature of habit you’ll see me repeat myself a lot. At times I love to revisit, rewatch shows and movies, replay old games, relisten to old albums,re-read old comics and books. From time to time I love to review these things. This is one of those things. It has that modern 70’s aesthetic that most Sci-Fi did back then that I totally dig.

   Having been a series, they could have fleshed out the story a bit more than the film did. That opportunity was squandered, obviously. After all, it was 70’s television, not known for its deep character/plot development.

   Is it visually stunning? Is it great writing? Is it a groundbreaking show? Nope, nope, and NOPE. What it does have is that feel of its time. That is pure gold to me. I was 7 when this show aired in 1977, but I never got to watch it. Heck, until it was reran on cable in the early 90’s, I had no idea that it even existed. It seemed like something I would have liked as a 7 year old. Even today, it has its charm, which is probably why I am writing about it.

   You can view it on YouTube right now, the first episode is a bargain at $1.99 (USD). Give it a shot, and tell me what you thought about it afterward.